Live Oak UU Fellowship
in Alameda

Live Oak Welcomes Visitors and Guests

Are you looking for a congregation where:
  • People affirm the integrity of each person’s spiritual journey?
  • Members work toward a fair and just society?
  • You can become a part of a supportive community for all ages?
Children and adults listening to the story for all ages.
At Live Oak, we come together to share ideas, to learn, and to celebrate life's passages. We aspire to make our community -- and our country -- better because we are here.
We love singing and sharing our stories and celebrating life. Our services are filled with music, poetry, ritual, and the words of many prophetic men and women.
If this sounds like a church for you, please be our guest at Live Oak UU Fellowship in Alameda. We look forward to getting to know you.
"Unitarian Universalists have said for centuries
that there is room in our religion for all seekers.
Skeptics and poets and scientists are welcome here,
as are nonconformists and shy and uncertain folk.
We believe that restlessness and doubts are a sign of grace,
that the love of truth is the holiest of gifts."
- Rev. Barbara Merritt
New banner displayed by two Live Oak Board members.
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
~ James Vila Blake