Live Oak UU is a California nonprofit religious organization, formally established on May 29, 2009 (though we began meeting in November 2008).
The Board of Trustees is the legal representative of the church and is responsible for finances and for overseeing the work of the church, including operations, programs, and planning. Our Board has four to five members. According to our bylaws, board members will serve two-year terms and may run for election to the board for a second consecutive term. Current board members are:
Jim Freschi - President
Angie Watson-Hajjem - Vice-President
Roger Hallsten - Treasurer
Matt Lovering
Congregational Policy
The authority of the church rests in the congregation, not in a church or denominational hierarchy. Congregational meetings (minimum of two/year) are defined in our Bylaws. The Board of Trustees or a group of members may call a special meeting of the Congregation for discussion or decisions on issues of interest. Members of the congregation in good standing may vote in elections, on the budget, and other decisions that arise. Live Oak voluntarily participates in theUnitarian Universalist Associationand in thePacific Central District of Unitarian Universalist Congregations.
Our Board of Trustees meets regularly on the first Thursday of each month (though sometimes December and/or a summer month are skipped). Board meetings are open to all members and friends. Meetings -- and items to be discussed -- will be announced ahead of time.
Organizational Structure
Live Oak's organizational structure is based on our mission (We create loving community through worship and service to others.)
It is our intent that any project we take on, any committee or task force formed, will help us fulfill our mission, by a) building community, b) providing worship or faith development, or c) serving others outside our fellowship.
Live Oak Committees
Caring Committee Nancy Balassi, Sally Kennedy, & Jay Roller
Finance Committee Roger Hallsten, Chair; David Fry, & Mary MacKay
Membership Committee
Darlene Pagano & Roger Hallsten
Music Committee Judith Heller & Sally Kennedy, Co-Chairs